The following dialogue is a very short bio of my beginnings. Following my short Bio and Certifications are some of the opportunities I have had with Radio, TV, Articles, Lectures and Events.
I started work with Pacific Bell in August 1966. Married my high school sweetheart in June of 1967. Raised two children. Became a long-distance runner and avid horse rider. Thanksgiving time 1987 I was diagnosed with cancer and had three surgeries, I was 39 years old. In July the following year I separated from my husband divorcing him after 21 years marriage.
On my Birthday April 30th 1990 driving home from work I was crying and realizing that I might live from cancer I spoke aloud,
"Thank You for my Life and my Sanity,
and if You want I will work for You the rest of my life."
My spoken prayer was heard, five days later May 4th 1990 driving past The Spirit of Grace Church building I felt an overwhelming urge to stop and walk in. The Pastors invited me to witness a demonstration of psychic readings. That evening was the first day to the rest of my life, I asked to participate and I haven't stop talking since! I had "awakened" to the unlimited boundaries of the Spiritual Realms of the "Unseen". I have pursued the "Truth" of the Universal and Spiritual Laws which govern us and direct us all on our individualized and unique paths of choice to live, learn and experience a "Spiritual Experience in Human form".
Two years later after obtaining my Ministers license (February 1992 from the Spiritualists Ministry of the Sedona Church of the Living God) I stopped my 24 year career with Pacific Bell and became a full-time intuitive reader. That year I was hired for three weeks to work on the 5-Star Cruise line of "Crystal Harmony". I wrote my book, "Two Worlds" in 1994. A second Book, "Help! Get me out of this Funk!" in 2004.
3rd Book, "The Unwilling Sacrifice" in 2013. Working on "The Ghostly Wife" and "Sky Rip", 2018 resuming two blogs again.
Past Life Certifications
The 15 years I worked my business in Northern California, I regularly conducted Past Life Regressions. My training comes from Spirit of Grace Spiritualist Church and my Ministry from Church of Living God Studies. I am now refreshed and upgraded (July 2008) my Past Life Regression, Therapy and Group Class Skills, from a Certified Past Life Therapists in Southern California.
"Rewarding Opportunities"
I have had many rewarding events,
four years entertaining for the Millionaire Realtors Group for Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate.
Talking to the many Professional's groups like the Professional Woman's Group of Auburn.
The Professional Real Estate groups from Sacramento to Rocklin and several Lions and Rotary Clubs.
I have entertained at several fund raisers from the "Children's Network" in 1992 at UC Davis Hospital, to many fund raisers at Children's Christmas benefits programs put on by local real estate organizations.
Very proud to have had many articles written for and about me. From the, "News and Review" in August 1993
and again the year 2002 voted "The Best Of in Sacramento Best Psychic,"
the "Sacramento Bee" on numerous occasions one by Courtney Macavinta November 1996.
Many radio shows for KFBP- 1530 AM Afternoon Show, 2001 August 15th with Tom Sullivan and several before he moved.
"The End - 107.9 FM, The Zone 100.5 FM Six months with Monica and Carlos.
Armstrong & Getty - 650 AM on several occasions and promoted as a Pet Psychic - lots of fun!"
In March 2005 I was asked to appear on the "Boogie and Bugman Show and we discussed Spirits and Ghosts.
Many other radio shows from Grass Valley interview, Cameron Park - Ghosts, Placerville - Psychic Gifts. Television - Good Morning Sacramento, interviewed by Duey Hopper on Channel 31, Sacramento Cable 19 and Roseville Cable 18 - Psychic Show - cable TV shows. Most of these radio shows I have kept "cassette records".
I am very proud for seven years as Halloween Tour Guide with John Bettencourt at the Sacramento City Cemetery at 10 and Broadway. My involvement ending with the passing of John in the Summer of 2001. Very fortunate to have been given this opportunity to help raise funds for the restoration of Sacramento's grand historical cemetery. The tours grew from three the first year to seven and eight average 200 people per tour. As we were looking and learning, spirit was also following and watching us. On many occasions I entertained the groups by having spirit stand still and people in the audience were able to "feel" the essence of spirit.
I have assisted family's with missing and murdered family members and have worked with other agencies; including being trained and assisting clients in the "First Call Home Care and Hospice" of Rancho Cordova, California. I have worked with "Kelly" and his crew of Psychic/Mediums from around the world, in the organization "Findme2" out of Phoenix AZ. Currently taking a break from "Findme2" very active investigations to focus on writing and working, I will take personally requested cases.
(Now Closed) I was reminded by the owner and staff of the very successful East/West Bookstore in Sacramento California to have been the longest evening lecturer with over Nine (9) years of continual popularity!
2003 I completed five separate talks with this East/West Books that I have in editing as talks to be purchased on at my home site
Copyright © 2022 Nancy Matz Author - All Rights Reserved.
Phone: (916) 773-1657