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I have been asked to offer this as an Audio Book, 2019 I will setting up a Studio to do all three of my books and Class Materials!
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"How excited are you to become psychic - dare to seek yourself out in this book!"
This is how I felt when I was 'directed' to the Spirit of Grace in Citrus Height California May 4 1990 to awaken to my own abilities. The drive to learn how to control and expand my abilities a driving force like I had never before experienced. Group readings (every Friday night) went from 8 to 50 within six months.... Giving readings led ' can how to questions and how this was even possible. Even to this day I examine and evaluate again and again, I've come an understanding how I am doing this: but, the big question is why am I able to do this....
My own questions made me aware that others might want to know how to explore and learn to increase their abilities also.
So my emphasis was to focus on what I've learned about the process of 'moving my life force to others' for readings... and how accessing time looks like and feels differently from past to future events.
The 2nd focus are several situations that personally changed my life. My ability to draw spirit people; one example, drawing a person my Mom knew in 9th grade as my Mom met her the first time. Because of this drawing my Mom accepted this gift.
Third focus is the unpredictable outcome of a predication. There is a story of young woman moving from east coast with her young son to California. Her desire for a sibling for her son only if she were to be married. Met the man of her dreams, they had a tiff she had a fling and then an unplanned pregnancy. I held up finishing the book until the situation got settled. Did she marry the 'fling fella' keep the child and marry her lover or single. My prediction, "Yes a second child that would have a permanent Father figure."
Copyright © 2022 Nancy Matz Author - All Rights Reserved.
Phone: (916) 773-1657