Being a Psychic Medium since 1990 has enabled me to conduct sessions and platform talks talking and describing spirit family, friends and those who wish to be recognized.
Those people who pass on and are afraid, alarmed to be judged, or have unfinished business, will not allow their spirit family to help them to pass over... they can become "Ghosts."
If a person passes over with unfinished business or angry that they feel cheated of life, they can become insane or worse a demon-life ghost.
These are the ghosts that haunt our homes our lives and even our dreams. If they cannot resolve their anger and start to blame those who harmed their emotional psychical life - then they can become the "Possessor."
A ghost that possesses a living being can cause alarm and sense of insanity and needs to be carefully evaluated and through therpy understand why this individual ghost came to them.
On the flip side a spirit can become a ghost and haunt or possess a loved one, a addicted individual, or someone of talent or career where they did not fulfill their life dreams.
This is the focus of this book, what and how this happens, how to stop this if you notice something strange happening and lastly how not to become one yourself!
In this book I will discuss:
All sorts of Hitchhikers, stories and drawings. How to recognize a possible attachment, Intervention for someone who has a ghost attached and then how to get rid of this lost soul! and for you: Setting up the right emotional state to not become a Hitchhiker yourself!"
There will be some "tall tales and spirit stories" that will be told to accompany spirit/ghost drawings.
A few Chapters:
Are You Living with a Ghost or a Spirit?
Doing an investigation - Voice Recordings
Lots of Great Ghost Links
Your Resident Ghost
Ghosts or Elementals
John Bettencourt Old City Cemetery
Cemetery Tours
Rocklin California Cemetery Tours
Ghosts - Earth Bound (Rescues) Attachments
Animal Spirits
Tall Tales and Spooky Stories
Seeing is Believing
To Cross the Boundaries of the "Veil"
Talking to these Spirits/Ghosts
Spirit Drawings
How to do your own Drawings
Spirits or Angels?
Asking for a Psychic /Medium Session
How NOT to become a Ghost!
Send me a story if you'd like me to consider for this book. Include your name as you'd like. Give me a permission statement to use your story. Please e-mail me at
I have the pleasure to work with Char Kosa of and on To find her show please look for @CaliforniaHauntsRadio.
My shows will be covering "Talking to Ghostees" "Life can be Tough" and Tarot Readings. Lots of Fun!!!
Copyright © 2022 Nancy Matz Author - All Rights Reserved.
Phone: (916) 773-1657