My Ghost Blog: click
Chapter Titles and Ghost issues.
Do Any of These Statements Sound Like Something
You Have Been Saying to Yourself Repeatedly?
“I just don’t feel like myself lately”
“There’s a part of me that does and a part of me that doesn’t…”
“Sometimes I feel like two totally different people”
“The doctor has run every test imaginable and they still can’t find anything wrong”
“I don’t know what came over me” or “I don’t know what I was thinking”
Spirits can and do become earthbound after death, if for whatever reason, the consciousness of the deceased does not return to the Light. While some spirits roaming the earth are visible to some as ghosts and continue to live autonomously, some spirits attach themselves to our aura, within our physical, emotional, or mental subtle bodies, a place that feels more like “home” to their consciousness.
Many of us when we hear about the concept of spirit attachment think about the movie the “Exorcist”. The subject of spirit attachment was grossly exaggerated into possession in the movie for the effect of entertainment. Most indigenous cultures recognize and have practices to address the presence of earthbound spirits while we in western, modern society tend to discount the idea of discarnate souls wandering the Earth plane.
Spirit attachment, sometimes also called entity attachment, is real, Spirits can and do become earthbound after death, if for whatever reason, the consciousness of the deseased does not return to the Light. While some spirits roaming the earth are visible to some as ghosts and continue to live autonomously, some spirits attach themselves to our aura, within our physical, emotional, or mental subtle bodies, a place that feels more like “home” to their consciousness.
When we are in good physical health and relatively free from stress, and practice good spiritual hygiene, our auras serve as an energetic protection field keeping unwanted energy out. However, prolonged illness, a sudden accident, as in a car accident, or unrelenting stress weakens the aura leaving it susceptible to penetration by spirit energies.
I connected to on 3-26-11 First 45 min. a recording of a TV Show Haunted Tombstone, next 45 min. talked about Ghosts Investigations, last 45 min. talked about Frank's Box and spooky investigations! Reallllly a Great Show
Lin k to that show is
Starting Winter 2018 Let me know what you'd like me to talk about!
My Own Blog Talk Radio Show!
"Psychic Phenomenon Discussion Forum" We'll talk about NDE's,OBE's,Spirits, Ghosts & Reincarnation Call-in Qs.
# 347-205-9071
New Days Mondays 6:00 PM CA (PST) Link
Partnered with up: California Haunts (Char Kosa)
Her BlogTalkRadio link
Dates posted at both Web sites
Call in# 515-605-9777
The following chapters are being offered in shortened versions from my book,
"Afterlife: Ghosts?"
There are some "tall tales and spirit stories" that will only be told in Book due to accompanied drawings.
Are You Living with a Ghost or a Spirit?
Doing an Investigation - Voice Recordings
Lots of Great Ghost Links
Your Resident Ghost
Ghosts or Elementals
John Bettencourt Old City Cemetery
Old Sacramento California Cemetery Tours
Rocklin California Cemetery Tours
Ghosts - Earth Bound (Rescues) Attachments
Animal Spirits
Tall Tales and Spooky Stories
Seeing is Believing
To Cross the Boundaries of the "Veil"
Talking to Your Angels
Spirit Drawings
How to do your own Drawings
Spirits or Angels
Asking for Guidance
Asking for a Psychic/Medium Session
How Not To Become a Ghost!"
Copyright © 2022 Nancy Matz Author - All Rights Reserved.
Phone: (916) 773-1657